The 11 Best Essential Oils For Congestion
When you are sick and congested, use the best essential oils for congestion relief. The essential oils for sinus enables you to breathe good.

Nobody wants to experience nasal congestion and sinus pressure. But when you have it, many people believe the best way to deal with it is by essential oils, and for a good reason. Some essential oils from nature have very special properties that can relieve congestion and even stop the production of of it so it doesn't multiply. Using nasal congestion essential oils and special essential oils to clear sinuses can greatly help in clearing things up. Here, we tell you the best essential oils to use for congestion and why.
Table Of Contents
*** Click Below To Jump To Section ***Introduction
.....What Causes Congestion?
.....Why Use Essential Oils?
.....The Best Essential Oil Brands
..........Jade Bloom
..........Simply Earth
..........Amrita Aromatherapy
The 11 Best Essential Oils For Congestion
.....Tea Tree
.....Clary Sage
My Own Personal Experience
The Most Effective Ways To Use Essential Oils For Congestion
..........Video On The Amazing Nebulizing Diffuser
..........More Diffuser Options
.....Direct Inhalation
..........Cotton Ball
..........Directly From The Bottle
..........Aromatherapy Inhaler
.....Steam Inhalation
..........Towel Over Bowl
..........Steam Bath
.....Apply Topically And Inhale
.....Other Treatments For Congestion
..........Neti Pot Sinus Rinse
..........Allergy Medication
..........Nasal Strips
What Causes Congestion?

Congestion has been frequently caused by sinus infections which is also known as sinusitis. This can occur from things like allergies and asthma, or other influences. Your nasal passages become inflamed due to germs or bacteria which leads to infections. Typically, you would experience pain or pressure in your nasal passage airways which can be runny and cause congestion that drips thick mucus down into your throat, making you feverish with headaches and coughing spells. Your nose might become stopped up and you have a loss of sense of smell or taste.
Millions of people look for conventional remedies to treat this. However, few people realize that they should be looking at the ever potent essential oils congestionwise. The oils are built do the job remarkably well, and naturally.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Why Use Essential Oils?
Essential oils come directly from natural plant compounds that act as protective agents. They increase the plant’s resilience to many types of diseases. Their properties were born to ward off many kinds of danger, whether it is some kind of plague or even insects. For example, some plants have the uncanny ability to ward off an invading swarm of insects by making themselves taste bitter. These properties of plants are extracted into essential oils so we can use the same protective benefits as plants to ward off things like nasal congestions.
When you extract these powerful compounds from the plant through steam distillation or cold pressing, you end up with a rich concentration of impressive potency and fragrance that can remove mucus and sinus pressure. This is what sinus infection essential oil does. You can get tremendous relief from essential oils for colds and coughs.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***The Best Essential Oil Brands
When asking yourself about what is the best brand of essential oils, you should look for the ones that are of the highest quality, tested by GC/MS (Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry) which measures the overall purity of the essential oils, and verified truly as 100% pure. These are the best quality essential oils you can buy. And if people ask themselves which company does this and what is the best brand of essential oils, a few excellent names come to mind (and none of them are MLM):
Regarding the above, we personally like Jade Bloom the best but all three are very good. You cannot go wrong with any of these. They have the best quality essential oils available and the best organic essential oils. As a result, these are a few of the best places to buy essential oils when we take into consideration the purity, the strict protocols, and the high quality oils at a very reasonable price. Their products meet the highest standards, where the quality is constantly GC/MS tested and verified as 100% pure before being bottled.

The 11 Best Essential Oils For Congestion
Some may wonder what essential oil helps with congestion. In this article, we list the tried and true essential oils for sinus congestion, essential oils chest congestion, and essential oils for a runny nose.
This is the best essential oil for congestion. Eucalyptus essential oil is a famous natural remedy to that fights nose and chest congestion. It is especially built for this purpose, acting as a decongestant, mucolytic expectorant, antifungal, and antiviral. It gives you relief from upper respiratory infections and opens up your nasal airways. It loosens clogged up phlegm and clears out the stuffiness in your nose so you can breathe better. You can use it against many kinds of congestions related to asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, colds, flu, allergies, sinusitis, nose, and ears. It is one of the essential oils for bronchitis. Also, you can use eucalyptus oil for coughs as it works on them really well such as whooping coughs and throat infections. It is one of the best essential oils for coughing. It is antibacterial which gives it the ability to fight off germs and bacteria. It is one of the go to essential oils for sinus, with its powerful scent that alone can relieve respiratory congestion and sinus blockage by breaking down the mucus that so often migrates to the lungs and back of your throat. But don’t use it for children younger than 2 years old.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Rosemary
Rosemary essential oil combats sinus congestion very well. People look to it as an excellent coughing essential oil. Some even conisder it the best essential oil for cough because its sharp scent and anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties soothes swollen sinuses giving you relief. It is also a decent expectorant and works well on bronchitis, flu, and colds. The oil is rich in antioxidants which helps your immune system fight off attacks.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Peppermint
Peppermint essential oil is famous for its high content of strong and minty menthol which works great on congestion and opens up your nasal airway passages by reducing swollen membranes in the nose. This is a great essential oil for blocked nose ailments. As a result, it allows you to breathe more deeply and easier. The peppermint aroma when inhaled counters and loosens the mucus congestion stuck in your lungs and sinuses. Studies also show that peppermint fights bacteria and it also relieves you from a scratchy throat. It is considered to be a serious contender as the best essential oil for colds. People love its cooling effect which you can feel immediately after inhaling. It works really good on conditions such as asthma, nasal congestion, sinusitis, bronchitis, cough, and cold.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Tea Tree
Tea tree essential oil has alpha-sabine properties that makes it antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal. As one of the sinus essential oils, Tea Tree is a leading essential oil for sinus infection. The oil fights bacteria, viruses, and reduces inflammation and fungal issues. It also relieves you from sinus congestion, swelling, and stuffy noses. It is one of the essential oils for runny noses, acting as an expectorant, helping to expel mucus and phlegm. Its antiviral properties are good for alleviating symptoms of asthma, cough and cold, bronchitis, nasal and chest congestion.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Lavender
When you are searching for thing like essential oils sinus infection, don't forget Lavender which its versatility also works on the swelling of the sinuses and nasal congestion. It reduces pain and also is effective at naturally loosening up phlegm, greatly assisting you in a rapid recovery. You can use it on things like asthma, laryngitis, whooping cough, tonsillitis, throat infections, flu, cold, cough, chest congestion, and sinus congestion.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Lemon
Many consider lemon essential oil, with its antibacterial properties, the best essential oil to kill bacteria congestion. And with its anti-inflammatory properties, it is also able to reduce congestion directly.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Clary Sage
Among the cough essential oils, Clary Sage is one of the leaders. It can open up the chest and soothe your cough. Its natural antimicrobial properties help fight sinusitis and congestion caused by bacteria.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Oregano
Oregano essential oil has an ingredient called carvacrol which fights off bacteria. It helps you recover from sinusitis. The oregano oil for sinus infection fits in well with the group of essential oils for congestion and cough since you can also use oregano oil for cough.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Clove
Clove essential oil’s spicy scent has natural antiseptic and antifungal properties that helps you drain your sinuses and reduce inflammation. Clove is one of the best essential oils for colds. It acts as a natural remedy for chest congestion, coughs, colds, respiratory viruses, asthma, bronchitis, and sinusitis. Its expectorant properties clears up mucus from the lungs and nasal passage airways. The oil has a compound called eugenol that can soothe your sore throat and cough.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Frankincense
Frankincense is a phlegm fighter and works really good when your respiratory system and lungs become clogged up. It is one of the go to essential oils for a stuffy nose. It reduces the congestion and mucus in the bronchi, larynx, nasal tract, and lungs. It also works to soothes your coughs, asthma, and bronchitis. Its anti-inflammatory and antidepressant qualities help you breathe better. It also builds up your immune system to fight attacks.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Pine
Pine essential oil has a strong scent which when inhaled, it can break up congestion and phlegm. As one of the essential oils nasal congestion remedies, it has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties with high levels of phenols that effectively fight germs and infections.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***My Own Personal Experience
A few weeks ago I bought an awesome blend from Jade Bloom called Protect that had a blend of 5 essential oils, and 4 of them were on the list above (Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Lemon, and Clove). The other one was Cinnamon essential oil which is also good because it is known to benefit the respiratory system by reducing the symptoms of colds and the flu, including things like headaches, sore throats, and sinus congestion. I saved the Protect blend in anticipation for the winter colds and flu. Good thing I did.
When I started writing this article, my wife just happened to get sick with the flu and experienced congestion. And her nasal passage airways were blocked as a result. She was coughing a lot so I encouraged her to take the Protect blend so she could recover quicker and clear up her congestion. I told her the Protect blend has the best essential oils for cough and cold along with congestion. But she refused, thinking that taking Tylenol and other conventional methods would do the trick. She didn’t use essential oils as a remedy so it took her longer to get better.
Since she was contagious, the other 4 members of our family could get it too. So I offered the Protect blend to the rest of the family members. We all took it. I already knew I was probably going to get the flu too and I did, but surprisingly it went away as quickly as it came. I didn’t have to go through the serious congestion period like my wife did. So my relatives and I came out of it pretty well. The symptoms were only mild, it was easy to breathe, there was no excessive coughing, and the congestion went away rather quickly. We were pleasantly surprised. The essential oils really did work in helping us recover. You can get it at Jade Bloom where you can search for "Protect Immunity Blend".
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***The Most Effective Ways To Use Essential Oils For Congestion
In this case, the best way to use essential oils to relieve congestion is through inhalation. And there are several ways you can do this.

Dispersing essential oils in the air through a diffuser is very effective. There are many ways to diffuse the essential oils into the air. If you don’t have a diffuser then check out our recommendations below. One of them doesn't even need to use water. Diffusers come in different sizes.
You might wonder how many drops of essential oils you should put in your water diffuser. We need to understand that essential oils are so potent and strong. For example, it takes nearly 10,000 pounds of rose petals to distill one pound of rose essential oil. So you only need a few drops to create essential oil diffuser blends. Most water diffusers carry 100 ml of water, so 5 to 10 drops of essential oils are suggested in this article. If your diffuser is larger or smaller, simply adjust the ratios of drops accordingly. Of course, if you want to adjust the strength, just add or subtract a drop or so.
Whatever diffuser you use, you can use the blend ratios that we have listed. Try them, you will love it.
When you are looking for the best essential oils diffusers and humidifiers, you should know that the best essential oils humidifiers are the ones that do not heat up the essential oils which would actually remove their health benefits. Rather, go with ones that use cool air or other methods. You can also pick humidifier diffuser combos which are also perfect for essential oils. You can also find there the best essential oil diffuser for large spaces. Check them out below.
Video On The Amazing Nebulizing Diffuser
You might love this wonderful Nebulizing Diffuser.
It uses only pure essential oil and no water added. Also, it does not use heat so you get to keep the therapeutic properties of your oils. And it is contained in glass instead of plastic which could leech toxic chemicals. Not only did we wrote about it, we also have a video on it. And we were pleasantly surprised with our findings. Check out our video review on it below or read all about it.
More Diffuser Options
And below is four other places you want to search for diffusers. They have excellent choices for home, office, and on the go.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Direct Inhalation
Inhaling directly is a more concentrated way of breathing in essential oils instead of spreading it all over the room. You do it this way if others prefer not to smell the aroma.
Cotton Ball
Put 3 or 4 drops of the essential oil on a cotton ball or tissue, hold it close to the nose, and inhale. When not using it, leave it in a plastic bag to avoid evaporation.
Directly From The Bottle
You get more exposure if you inhale directly from the bottle. Simply hold it near your nose and inhale.
Aromatherapy Inhaler

Consider using an aromatherapy inhaler. They look like tube of chapstick and can be easily carried in your pocket. In fact, people who think cigarette smoking is cool should stop and consider changing their unhealthy habits. They can switch to an aromatherapy inhaler. You add a few essential oil drops in it and inhale. Carry it where ever you go. They look good and also healthy at the same time. Enjoy your essential oils without worrying about affecting others around you. You can do a search for INHALER at Simply Earth's website and buy one at below link:
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Steam Inhalation
Steam inhalation involves combining essential oils with hot water to create steam. This is a popular method but just be aware that heat (and sunlight) can change the chemical composition of the oil which may lose some beneficial constituents. But you can still benefit from it, just not as much as non-heat methods.
Towel Over Bowl
Fill a glass or ceramic bowl with with 3-4 cups of steaming water. Add 1-2 drops of an essential oil such as eucalyptus to the bowl. Place your face over the bowl with eyes closed and cover your head with a towel and breath for about 10 minutes or so.
Steam Bath
Taking a warm steam bath can also can help loosen nasal and chest congestion and expel built-up mucus. Add a few drops of essential oils to the warm water and relax.

Have you noticed that showers make you feel better when congested? And if you combine shower steam with essential oils, you feel even better because the combination helps to thin nasal mucus. Simply place a few drops on the shower walls or add them to a warm and wet washcloth.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Apply Topically And Inhale
Combine a few drops of essential oils along with a carrier oil on your skin to prevent it from evaporating and also helps to calm down essential oils potency which is very strong. You can place 15 to 30 drops of essential oil per ounce of carrier oil on your skin and experience the aroma. Carrier oil combined with essential oils dilutes the potency a little to prevent it from being too strong on your skin. You can pick the type of carrier oil at Jade Bloom.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Other Treatments For Congestion
You can also check other ways to treat your congestion such as below:
Neti Pot Sinus Rinse
This is an excellent way to clean your sinus congestion with warm water and a pinch of salt. You lean over the sink and run the stream of salt water in one nostril and out the other. It flushes the nasal mucus away and your sinuses get a refreshing feeling. It really does work.
Even just a regular humidifier that gives you moisture, helps to relieve congestion a little.
Allergy Medication
In case you congestion is caused by allergies.
Nasal Strips
Helps open up the nasal airways a little.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Conclusion
Essential oils have proven themselves to help clear out congestion in the sinus passage airways and lungs. We have listed the best essential oils for chest congestion and sinus pressure. Eucalyptus, Rosemary, and Peppermint are among the best essential oils for sinus headaches. Tea Tree is an excellent essential oil for runny nose. Eucalyptus and Peppermint are the best essential oils for nasal congestion. There are several ways to use essential oils for congestion and that includes diffusers, direct inhalation, steam inhalation, or applying topically and inhaling. Using an Aromatherapy Inhaler is especially convenient and portable. Of course, there are other methods of dealing with congestion and one we especially like is the Neti Pot Sinus Rinse which clears out your sinus passages using warm water and salt. We hope that this article is helpful in educating what essential oils is good for congestion.
When looking for the best place to buy essential oils, you want to only use the best essential oils brands that give you oils that are absolutely pure and of high quality. The below are a few of the best essential oil companies that we know of.
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