The 22 Best Essential Oils For Scars
You are looking for a better way to deal with those scars. I know, it can be frustrating. Best way to get rid of them is to let nature restore your skin with the best essential oils for scars of all kinds, extracted from plants.

One time at night I was walking from the kitchen in the dark and heading toward the backyard. The lights were off. Suddenly, a white flash slammed into my face. Shocked, I looked around but didn’t see anything until the light was turned on. I realized that I walked right through a thick glass sliding door. Glass was everywhere and I was bleeding profusely. My grandmother saw me and gave a collective gasp. Rushing to the bathroom I saw a big cut over my left eyebrow along with other cuts on my back. I was so upset because I had a date with a beautiful lady over the weekend and I wanted to look my best. But it wasn’t meant to be because I ended up being in the emergency room, being stitched up. As Mike Tyson’s famous phrase would say, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. Later that cut turned into a permanent scar, reminding me of the incident.
When you get a scar, it can be quite unpleasant, unsightly, and uncomfortable. At least some of them and it was certainly so in my case. You are probably here searching for the best scar treatment you can find and you may be considering essential oils as a treatment. You are not alone. The global essential oils market is expected to grow from $9.62 billion in 2021 to $18.25 billion in 2028 and they are by far the best oils for scars.
I am sure you know of the wonderful health benefits of herbs. But did you realize that essential oils are 75 to 100 times more powerful than dried herbs?
Our site covers in detail how the power of essential oils have tremendous potency and power to heal your ailments. Perhaps you already tried some conventional treatment or surgery and it did not work out the way you wanted. You are looking for a better way to deal with those scars. I know, it can be frustrating. We will cover the best essential oils for your scars of all kinds.
Table of Contents
*** You Can Click Below To Jump To Section ***Introduction
All About Scars
.....The Problem With Scar Tissue
.....Types Of Scars
.....Searching For The Best Essential Oil For Scars
.....The Best Essential Oil Brands
..........Jade Bloom
..........Simply Earth
..........Amrita Aromatherapy
.....Carrier Oils Should Mix With Essential Oils
Essential Oils, The Best Oils For Scars
…..Carrot Seed Essential Oil
…..Cedar Atlas Essential Oil
…..Frankincense Essential Oil
…..Geranium Essential Oil
…..Helichrysum Essential Oil
…..Hyssop Essential Oil
…..Juniper Berry Essential Oil
…..Lavender Essential Oil
…..Neroli Essential Oil
…..Rosemary Essential Oil
…..Sandalwood Essential Oil
…..Tea Tree Essential Oil
…..Chamomile Essential Oil
…..Patchouli Essential Oil
…..Clary Sage Essential Oil
…..Lemon Essential Oil
…..Mandarin Essential Oil
…..Rose Essential Oil
…..Yarrow Essential Oil
…..Myrrh Essential Oil
…..Bergamot Essential Oil
…..Vetiver Essential Oil
…..Question - But what about conventional treatments for scars?
Alternatives of Conventional Treatments
All About Scars
Most scars are typically undesirable marks that we would rather do without.
The Problem With Scar Tissue
Scars occur when your second layer of skin is penetrated. The larger and deeper the cut, the more pronounced it can be. Naturally the body responds by repairing the damaged tissue with collagen. The problem is that this collagen is different from normal collagen. It is less functional because it contains fibrous connective tissue that is insoluble fibrin. With this type of fibrin, the new tissue only grows in a single direction which is different from the higher quality of normal tissue (soluble fibrin) that forms basket weave alignment (the best type of skin that grows in multiple directions). Also this new collagen has less elastin and consequently the area will have less elasticity than normal skin.
When the skin becomes inflexible in the area, then you will often see that sweat glands and hair follicles do not reappear in that area. For example, when I had that accident I told you about earlier, there was a small cut on my eyebrow. What I noticed is that the hair follicles did not reappear along the cut. Now that I am older and wiser, I know why. Fortunately, the cut was very small and hardly noticeable so no biggie.
The accumulation of non-elastic tissue can cause adhesions which are the pulling on the surrounding tissues. Some scar adhesions can pull on muscles and organs, compromising the body’s functioning.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Types Of Scars
What kind of scar do you have? Scars have many different appearances. They can be raised, sunken, flat, short, round, pink, purple, flesh-toned, brown, lighter or darker than normal skin. How it appears depends on the type of scar such as keloids, acne, hypertrophic, rashes, wounds, stretch marks, and scars from surgery. It also depends on the type of skin, health, genetics and age of the patient.
Hypertrophic Scars
Hypertrophic Scars vary in color (including pink, purple, red, dark brown) and are elevated above the surface of the skin as rubbery lesions from the overproduction of collagen and may be painful or itchy. They are composed of Type III collagen which is not as flexible as Type I collagen. You can visualize them like lumpy mountains surrounding the valleys. They can be caused by surgery, piercings, burns, chickenpox, acne, and accidents. They can be pale but the sun can turn them darker than the rest of your skin. They generally appear within four to eight weeks following an injury to the skin. It is common to see them in taut skin areas like your back, chest, and shoulders. Hypertrophic scars stay within the damaged area. The scarring can get thicker for up to six months after the trauma.
Keloid Scars
Keloids are everything hypertrophic scars are but worse. Why? Because they keep growing beyond the original wound. These types of scars tend to grow slowly month by month and can go on for years. If you try surgical removal you risk making the problem worse.
Atrophic Scars
Atrophic scars (pitted or sunken scars), sink below the normal layer of skin tissue where it is unable to regenerate due to lack of collagen. They can be caused by loss of fat or muscle tissue which can happen during accidents, surgery, severe acne, or chickenpox. For example, stretch marks can be regarded as atrophic. Have you ever heard of ice pick scars? That is what these are.
Contracture scars pull and contract on the surrounding areas during the healing process and the resulting tightness can restrict movement. This can happen when there is a large amount of tissue loss, such as a burn accident. If they form over a joint wound, it would restrict movement of the joint such as the fingers, elbows, knees, or neck. Surgery can also cause contracture scars.
Stretch Marks From Pregnancy
Yes, stretch marks (long lines colored red, purple, or dark brown) are considered scars too. This is because your connective tissue gets broken. (the tissue that lies beneath our skin and gives it shape). You get stretch marks when your skin quickly grows or shrinks. This can happen during pregnancy, rapid weight loss or gain, or even adolescence where you can have growth spurts. Bodybuilders bulking up quickly are also at risk for stretch marks. After a while, stretch marks can mature and lighten up some and have a white or silver look to them. They can be either slightly higher or lower than the surface of your skin. You can see them on the breasts, stomach, thighs, upper arms, and bottom. They may appear red or purple at first, and usually lighten over time.
Scars From Surgery
Surgery results in fine-line cuts that will appear as red, raised lines initially and they may also be itchy. Eventually they get paler and flatten out within 2 years or so but a visible line usually remains permanently.
Acne scars can be caused by really bad acne that is swollen, painful, and reddish. This kind of acne embeds deep into the skin and damages sensitive skin tissues. The scars are usually long-lasting. If you have acne scar, you should treat it ASAP or things will get worse,
Wounds happen when your thick layer of the skin is damaged. To recover, your body will naturally produce new collagen protein fibers and the new formation results as a scar with its tissue different from the surrounding tissue.
Chickenpox penetrates deep into the skin and causes spots with a sunken appearance.
Searching For The Best Essential Oil For Scars
Essential oils are wonderful treatments on scars of all kinds. But we need to remember that essential oils are very potent. Essential oils are the best natural oils for skin. But not all grades of essential oils are equal. And there are many on the market that are man-made products with heavy chemicals that can cause cancer for they have toxins such as formaldehyde, benzenes, and other chemicals. The best essential oils for skin are the ones that are truly pure, which naturally fight allergies, pollens, and other bad odors. Pure essential oils are truly good for your health and build up your immune system. Naturally, they are the best you can get for your skin. We suggest avoiding any essential oils that are altered by adding synthetic chemicals or other modifications that take away the true properties of a pure essential oil. When buying, always check the label for purity. The best way to test for purity is done by GC/MS (Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometry).
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***The Best Essential Oil Brands
When asking yourself about what is the best brand of essential oils, you should look for the ones that are of the highest quality, tested by GC/MS (Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry) which measures the overall purity of the essential oils, and verified truly as 100% pure. These are the best quality essential oils you can buy. And if people ask themselves which company does this and what is the best brand of essential oils, a few excellent names come to mind (and none of them are MLM):
Regarding the above, we personally like Jade Bloom the best but all three are very good. You cannot go wrong with any of these. They have the best quality essential oils available and the best organic essential oils. As a result, these are a few of the best places to buy essential oils when we take into consideration the purity, the strict protocols, and the high quality oils at a very reasonable price. Their products meet the highest standards, where the quality is constantly GC/MS tested and verified as 100% pure before being bottled.

Carrier Oils Should Mix With Essential Oils
There are several good reasons to combine carrier oils with essential oils.
- First reason: Many essential oils are so potent and strong, diluting them before you apply the oils to your skin is wise. And carrier oils are perfect for this because not only do they dilute but also they have beneficial properties themselves that work hand in hand with essential oils.
- Second reason: Essential oils are different in that they are not made of fatty acids like your typical carrier oil is. So it is easy for essential oils to evaporate in the air if we are not careful. Also it is very easy for your skin to absorb the oils too quickly. You don’t want either of those situations happening and rather it is better for the skin to absorb the oils gently and slowly. Carrier oils do not quickly evaporate from the skin’s surface and they stick to the skin well. As a result, they protect the essential oils from evaporation and gradually control the absorption of essential oils into the skin.
- Third reason: Carrier oils are able to retain the essential oil nutrition for much longer than other forms of dilution.
- Fourth reason: A few of the essential oils have a drying effect even though they are very healthy. Especially noted is the excellent tea tree essential oil which is a powerhouse because of its anti-fungal and anti-microbial qualities. Tea tree essential oil does have some drying properties. To combat that, carrier oils help the skin to stay moisturized as a hydrating counter balance.
You can buy one or more carrier oils to combine with your essential oils. They all are good and each have unique benefits. If you wonder which one is the best carrier oil for essential oils, then know that two of them would be Jojoba Carrier Oil and Rosehip Seed Carrier Oil. There are also several others that are excellent too. Check out the video below to see which carrier oils you would like to have in the cabinet to use with essential oils which we will cover next.
Video on how to select the right carrier oil
The most popular ones to buy include the below.
Jojoba Carrier Oil
Rosehip Seed Carrier Oil
Safflower Carrier Oil
The time has come to cover the wonderful benefits of essential oils which are potent and powerful.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Essential Oils, The Best Oils For Scars

A French scientist, René, was severely burned in a laboratory accident. He quickly immersed his hand in a vat of liquids for two weeks. Gattefossé wondered how his hand healed so quickly and left no scar. Then he realized that the vat was filled with an essential oil called Lavender that was causing the rapid promotion of tissue regeneration, making his hand to be completely healed. As a result, Rene spent the rest of his life researching and using the wonderful powers of essential oils.
It is amazing to see how God created plants. They grow from a seed into beautiful flowers, trees, and many other forms. That is how nature works. Even to this day there are many wonderful things that scientists still do not understand. Plants have complex healing properties that were designed to naturally enable the plants to heal themselves. Cut off a branch and another one will grow to replace it. It would be prudent to see how nature can work for you.
We can extract the excellent essential oils that hold the healing properties of plants for our own use. That is what essential oils are, highly concentrated, steam-distilled or cold-pressed extracts from seeds, roots, stems, bark, flowers, fruits, leaves, or any part of a plant. The healing properties contain a complex network of molecules that carry different effects to your body. Their power to overcome disease is so effective that if used properly it is possible to bypass unnecessary medication and surgeries. They can also complement and assist conventional methods if needed. You would do well to see how essential oils can help you.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Carrot Seed Essential Oil

Carrot seed essential oil is among the best essential oils for scars. It comes from steam distilled "wild carrot" seeds. The oil’s benefits include its properties as an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-septic, disinfectant, detoxifying, anti-carcinogenic, diuretic, tonic, and many other amazing benefits. Signs of aging skin can be reduced. The oil is a popular ingredient used to treat eczema and psoriasis, and also aids in balancing sebum production. It is renowned as a tonic for the skin and a small amount of this essential oil is in many anti-aging beauty products, and for a good reason. It hydrates the skin and balances skin tone very well. How much more powerful would it be in pure form. As it is excellent for skin health and fighting diseases, it also greatly helps to heal scarring. This is because it naturally promotes healthy skin cell formation. It is one of the best essential oils for acne scars and is also effective against wrinkles, burns, cuts, psoriasis, and many other inflammatory conditions. It can actually prevent scarring in the first place with its ability to block UV rays. UV rays can lead to dark spots and sun spots. This oil prevents a wound from being infected and healing poorly, saving the skin in many cases.
Overall Topical Application: 10 drops of Carrot Seed Essential Oil per tablespoon of any carrier oil. Apply to skin daily.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Cedar Atlas Essential Oil

Cedar atlas essential oil is a potent cedar wood oil that is extracted from the leaves, needles, wood, and even berries of cedar trees. With its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, this one is another one of the best essential oils for acne scars. This oil can help stop scar growth by healing wounds faster. This is because cedar wood regenerates the scar tissue. This is also one of the essential oils for old scars that can be diminished. Both oily and dry skin benefit from it as the oil has a special ability to draw out excess fat between skin tissues and works to expel impurities. Being very potent, you should always combine it with a carrier oil.
Overall Topical Application: 15-25 drops of Cedar Atlas Essential Oil per tablespoon of any carrier oil. Apply to skin daily.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense essential oil comes from the gummy sap that oozes from the resin of Boswellia trees which have a gnarled look and they are found in the Arabian Peninsula and Northeast Africa. Frankincense's cousin, Myrrh, grew up in the same area. If you check the market value of this essential oil, you may ask yourself why Frankincense is so expensive. The trees were difficult to grow in other areas and as a result they were constantly in short supply and in high demand which caused higher prices. Believe it or not, they were worth as much as gold 2,000 years ago. And a Roman historian claimed that the sap from these trees made the Arabians the richest people on earth at that time. Frankincense is one of the remarkable essential oils for skin as it improves skin tone, kills bacteria, and is one of the best smelling essential oils in the world. Not only known for its relaxing smell, the oil is also a powerful astringent, which helps protect skin cells. The oil helps reduce acne blemishes. It is considered by many as the best oil for wrinkles as it prevents and reduces the wrinkles exceptionally well. It also minimizes the appearance of large pores. The oil is especially noted to decrease the appearance of scars, stretch marks, and dark spots. It helps repair sun damage and heals surgical wounds with its amazing abilities to lower inflammation and improve the skin’s healing process. Because of its amazing properties, frankincense essential oil is one of the best essential oils for scars as it can promote cell regeneration and aid in cellular growth. The oil promotes the growth of new skin cells which grow over scar tissue to eventually smooth the skin. Isn’t that awesome? Among the best essential oils for skin tightening, frankincense has a reputation as a top anti-aging oil with its uncanny ability to reduce the appearance of fine lines because it balances your skin tone, tightens your skin, and balances sebum levels.
Overall Topical Application: 15-25 drops of Frankincense Essential Oil per tablespoon of Jojoba Carrier Oil. Apply to skin daily.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Geranium Essential Oil

Geranium essential oil comes from the steam distillation of the leaves of a flowering shrub called “Pelargonium Roseum". It is traditionally used to treat skin disorders such as dermatitis, eczema, and aging skin because of its anti-septic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also another one of the best essential oils for acne scars and helps reduce acne breakouts, minimizes irritation, fights infection on wounds, and evens up skin tones. It has cicatrisant properties that eliminates toxins, increases blood circulation, and helps eliminate or at least fade out any scarring. Ancient folklore has touted the health benefits of this oil, and for good reasons. The thing about this oil is that not only does it control the sebum production but it also revitalizes your skin by promoting collagen protein naturally in direct proportion to how fast new skin cells are developed. As a result, you get brand new skin cells combined with collagen to form elastic and flexible skin, smooth and beautiful. And its astringent qualities help with aging wrinkles and rejuvenates your skin to make it look fresh and clean. It is amazing to see how nature can work in such harmony. And with its antibacterial properties, it helps keep wounds clean and encourages proper healing,
Overall Topical Application: 15-25 drops of Geranium Essential Oil per tablespoon of Jojoba Carrier Oil. Apply to skin daily.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Helichrysum Essential Oil

Helichrysum has few equals. This essential oil comes from the Helichrysum Italicum plant which is generally found in the Mediterranean and Southern Europe. It is known as the everlasting flower or curry plant due to its unique ability to retain the original color even when it is dried. It is a universal oil with numerous applications and it is extremely expensive to produce. If you have ever been to Spain or Italy you will find even from ancient times to now, you will see alternative medicine practitioners who use these plants for their leaves and flowers to treat scars of all kinds. Helichrysum is one of the best essential oils for acne scars. And it is also extremely effective on rosacea, scarring, eczema, psoriasis, bruising, and a wide array of other physical ailments. It is strongly anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-viral, and anti-allergic. That is quite a list of properties. There are many examples of how powerful this essential oil is. For example, when doctors used the oil on broken bones, they were surprised to find that the time it takes to heal the bones was cut in half. Because of its healing properties, it helps prevent aging of the skin by promoting the regeneration of damaged skin. It is one of the best natural remedies for reducing stretch marks. As far as wound healing, it kills infectious bacteria, eliminates scars or at least fades their appearance, and even works wonders on the more difficult deeper scars like from chickenpox. Part of the reason why this oil is so powerful is because it has high content of diketones which enables it to accelerate the healing of scar tissue and force the growth and regeneration of new skin tissue to fade away scars on the skin. Consequently, scars become healed without any skin drying. Unfortunately there are firms that try to take shortcuts and deceptive modifications of their products and pretend that their oils are the real thing, this is especially true with helichrysum since it is so costly. If you don’t get the real thing, you will not get the real results. Avoid them like the plague and stick only with therapeutic quality and USDA certified organic oils like we mentioned earlier.
Overall Topical Application: 15-25 drops of Helichrysum Essential Oil per tablespoon of Rosehip Seed carrier oil. Apply to skin daily.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Hyssop Essential Oil

All hyssop essential oils are made from the flowers and leaves of the plant called Hyssopus officinalis, which is a member of the mint family. It is known for healing respiratory ailments. However, it also works to heal wounds and bruises, prevent infections, minimize wrinkles, and is very effective against acne scars. It is antiseptic, anti-rheumatic, antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, cicatrisant, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, hypertensive, nervine, stimulant, sudorific, tonic, vulnerary. That sure is a nice set of properties. As a result, it is one of the best essential oils for scars. However, it is recommended to not use this while you are going through pregnancy, labor, and breastfeeding. Please use it when you are not in those phases.
Overall Topical Application: 15-25 drops of Hyssop Essential Oil per tablespoon of any carrier oil. Apply to skin daily.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Juniper Berry Essential Oil

Juniper berry essential oil is a great tonic for the skin that detoxifies and cleanses. It’s often used on skin conditions such as dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and scar healing.
Overall Topical Application: 15-25 drops of Juniper Berry Essential Oil per tablespoon of any carrier oil. Apply to skin daily.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Lavender Essential Oil

The most well-known essential oil in the world is Lavender which comes from the purple flower evergreen shrubs with the same name. There are many types of lavender. One notable one is the spanish variety called Lavender Stoechas. This type produces an essential oil which is high in camphor, fenchone, and 1.8 cineole. It has antibiotic, antioxidant, antiseptic, anti-fungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties. Its delicate purple flowers and divine fragrance have been used to promote calmness and healings, refresh tired skin, make your skin glow, enhance your breathing, and help you sleep. Its reputation as a great stress buster is legendary. Lavender is considered by some people to be the best essential oil for glowing skin. It has cytophylactic properties which promotes the synthesis of collagen and encourages new tissue to grow. As a result, lavender works wonders on the skin including reducing wrinkles, fighting acne by reducing pore size, increasing sebum secretion, and improving skin tone and keratin conditions. Furthermore, because it has cicatrisant properties, it speeds up the healing of wounds and it is extremely effective against scars and blemishes of all kinds. Because lavender is one of nature’s most gentle oils, it can be used undiluted and not combined with a carrier oil to treat scars directly. Some other essential oils, because of being so potent, have to be combined and diluted with a carrier oil before applying to scars. Lavender is useful for removing burns and wounds because it can penetrate deeper into the skin and remove scars quickly. It can be used on new scars to start the healing process immediately or it can be used to minimize the appearance of existing scars.
Overall Topical Application:
Lavender is one of the few essential oils gentle enough to use without a carrier oil if you are using a small amount on skin. However, it doesn’t hurt to use a carrier oil too. If a small wound is open, then you can use it undiluted without a carrier oil in small quantities. Note: Helichrysum is preferable for larger injuries. If you want to use a carrier oil then 25 drops of Lavender Essential Oil per tablespoon of any carrier oil. Apply to skin daily.
Neroli Essential Oil

Neroli essential oil is extracted from the flowers of bitter orange trees named Citrus Aurantium. This oil has a delightful citrusy smell and is very expensive but has a great reputation for healing scars as well as treatment of numerous skin conditions. Like many other essential oils, it has antimicrobial, antioxidant, antibacterial, and astringent properties. Hence, it serves as a great remedy for acne. It maintains the moisture of the skin and fades off the appearances of acne, stretch marks, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, wrinkles, broken capillaries under your skin, and many kinds of scars. The oil also minimizes the irritation of wounds, pain, and inflammation. It stimulates cellular activity to regenerate new skin cells to repair damaged tissue which is especially great for mature skin that needs rejuvenating. Moreover, it improves skin elasticity.
Overall Topical Application: 15-25 drops of Neroli Essential Oil per tablespoon of any carrier oil. Apply to skin daily.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Rosemary Essential Oil

Rosemary essential oils have antiseptic and antibacterial properties. And they work very well on a wide range of skin conditions including dermatitis, eczema, acne, and many other conditions that usually cause scars. Some people consider Rosemary as the best essential oil for glowing skin. It is also very good at keeping your skin moisturized.
Overall Topical Application: 15-25 drops of Rosemary Essential Oil per tablespoon of any carrier oil. Apply to skin daily.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Sandalwood Essential Oil

Sandalwood essential oils have the special ability to stimulate the olfactory receptor cells in the skin, which propels cell regeneration and cell proliferation that helps replace scarred skin cells with new ones.
Overall Topical Application: 15-25 drops of Sandalwood Essential Oil per tablespoon of any carrier oil. Apply to skin daily.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea tree essential oil is extracted using steam to distill the oil from the leaves of tea tree plants. It is one of the most widely used essential oils, and for a good reason. Researchers have long recognized its beneficial properties which include antiviral, antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-fungal, and antimicrobial.
The oil has a lot of characteristics that make it skin boosting and it effectively counters wrinkles, dark spots, and aging marks as it tightens and smooths the skin. But as it is an effective natural acne treatment, it also works on wounds, keloids, blemishes, lines, and scars left by cold sores. And its antibacterial properties make it effective against eczema and psoriasis. It also supports the immune system. And it smells good. You see it in so many skin products.
Overall Topical Application: 15-25 drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil per tablespoon of any carrier oil. Apply to skin daily.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Chamomile Essential Oil

Chamomile Essential Oil is produced from chamomile trees and has been traditionally used in cosmetics, skincare products, creams, and essential oil blends. And of course we know that it is a great stress buster and used in herbal teas. It has been long used as a medicinal herb in ancient Rome, Greece, and Egypt. This oil is ranked high on the essential oils for dry skin which it is especially good for. And it diminishes the appearance of dark spots. The oil works faster than many other essential oils on acne and scars and is absolutely a great essential oil for itchy skin, as it soothes the skin giving it relief. Chamomile promotes faster wound healing because it stops microbes from entering the wound and also reduces inflammation caused by them. Because of this, Chamomile essential oil is an excellent first choice to treat hives.
Overall Topical Application: 15-25 drops of Chamomile Essential Oil per tablespoon of any carrier oil. Apply to skin daily.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Patchouli Essential Oil

Patchouli essential oil comes from the leaves of an aromatic herb plant named the same. The essential oil is extracted by steam distillation. Patchouli is also among the best essential oils for scars because of its skin restorative properties. It stimulates your skin by cell regeneration and its cicastristant properties reduce the appearance of scars. It is anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and has a sedative effect on your nerves. This oil is not quite as famous as some of the other essential oils but it should not be discounted, especially with scars which it works on very well because of its outstanding restorative qualities that can help heal new scar tissue and fade out older scars. It also works well with skin that is cracked, chapped, and irritated. This includes acne, eczema, and other scars. A wound heals faster from the faster collagen production caused by this essential oil and after the healing is done, Patchouli helps to prevent the wound from changing into an unsightly scar later. Also the oil has pain-relieving qualities that reduce pain on scars that are painful.
Overall Topical Application: 15-25 drops of Patchouli Essential Oil per tablespoon of any carrier oil. Apply to skin daily.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Clary Sage Essential Oil

Clary sage essential oil comes from the plant clary sage which is also known as Salvia sclarea, a plant found in the north Mediterranean Basin area. People use it for medicinal purposes and also as a spice. The essential oil is extracted from many parts of the plant, including the leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds. It has been used for insomnia. But it also has linalyl acetate which reduces skin inflammation. So the oil can be used to treat acne scars, skin breakouts, or scars located inside the upper layer of the skin. It curbs the growth of bacteria that cause acne.
Overall Topical Application: 15-25 drops of Clary Sage Essential Oil per tablespoon of Jojoba Carrier Oil. Apply to skin daily.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Lemon Essential Oil

Of course, lemon essential oil comes from the lemon. It has an important capability in skin repair and regeneration. It helps to produce healthy, new skin cells to replace the damaged dead cells. And it brightens and hydrates the skin.
The problem with acne breakouts is because of the bacteria that causes it. Lemon has antibacterial properties that can stop scarring from occurring in the first place. Lemon oil encourages new skin cell formation by lightening the skin which triggers the production of collagen and fades acne scars at the same time.
Overall Topical Application: 10 drops of Lemon Essential Oil per tablespoon of any carrier oil. Apply to skin daily.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Mandarin Essential Oil

Mandarin essential oil is also called tangerine oil. It is extracted from the mandarin fruit and has similar properties as the lemon essential oil. It works well against acne scars. The oil promotes skin cell generation and helps treat scar tissue. But use it carefully in sunlight because the skin can be sensitive and phototoxic while outside.
Overall Topical Application: 15-25 drops of Mandarin Essential Oil per tablespoon of any carrier oil. Apply to skin daily.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Rose Essential Oil

Rose essential oil is extracted from the petals of the rose flower which is also called rosa damascena. In essential oils terminology you hear about oils named rose ottos and rose absolutes. The difference between these two types of rose oils is how they are extracted from the flower and as a result their potency. Rose ottos are extracted through steam distillation while rose absolutes are received by solvent extraction. The rose absolute essential oil is used in perfumery while rose ottos essential oil is used on the skin. For scars, you want rose ottos essential oil which is the purest of rose oils and known as the Queen of oils. This oil is most definitely on the list of the best essential oils for skin. It has properties of anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, cooling, and soothing properties that makes it a powerful treatment for many skin conditions. Rose ottos is also top ranked on the list of essential oils for dry skin. It can deal with skin that has excessive dryness , redness, and inflammation. For skin that is suffering with acne, rose essential oil is a match made in heaven. Moreover, it can prevent scarring and minimizes wrinkles. The oil is expensive but worth it, as it can have a significant impact on the appearance of your scars. Not only that, but rose oil also improves blood circulation, tones blood capillaries, lifts the skin, and manages your skin’s elasticity. It has a significant effect on reducing the appearance of scar tissue.
Overall Topical Application: 15-25 drops of Rose Essential Oil per tablespoon of any carrier oil. Apply to skin daily.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Yarrow Essential Oil

The dark blue essential oil is extracted from the flowers of yarrow (Achillea millefolium) by steam distillation. Yarrow has the uncanny ability to shrink the skin. This is especially beneficial where there is a wound or scar. It is one of the most powerful natural oils for skin. It has astringents that cause the contraction of skin and has been typically used to reduce bleeding from minor abrasions. That is why it is also good for minimizing acne, reducing scars, and fading burns and cuts. It also works well with chapped skin, dermatitis, eczema, infections, inflammation, pruritus, rashes, sores, and ulcers. And it is among the best essential oils for oily skin.
Overall Topical Application: 15-25 drops of Yarrow Essential Oil per tablespoon of any carrier oil. Apply to skin daily.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Myrrh Essential Oil

Myrrh essential oil comes from a reddish-brown sap from a thorny tree called Commiphora myrrha. It is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory and works great on acne, wrinkles, fine lines, athlete's foot, bacterial infections, bedsores, boils, cracked skin, cuts, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, stretch marks, fungal infections like athlete's foot, ringworms, scars, sores, ulcers, weeping wounds, and wrinkles. Whew! That is a lot, don't you think? Because of all that, it is considered one of the best essential oils for skin. It helps promote the growth of new skin around the area of fresh scars and as a result over time the scars tend to fade away.
Overall Topical Application: 10 drops of Myrrh Essential Oil per tablespoon of any carrier oil. Apply to skin daily.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Bergamot Essential Oil

Bergamot essential oil comes from the rinds of the bergamot orange fruit. If you are a fan of Earl Grey tea, then you should know that the tea gets its distinctive taste from the bergamot orange fruit. Bergamot has natural astringent and antiseptic properties which allows it to effectively clear out blackheads and it has skin regenerating properties which will help to fade away scars whether they are new or old. And it works great on acne since it regulates the natural pigment melanin and smooths out skin discoloration or dark spots.
Overall Topical Application: 2.5 drops of Bergamot Essential Oil per tablespoon of any carrier oil. Apply to skin daily.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Vetiver Essential Oil

Vetiver essential oil is extracted from a native plant in India called vetiver root (vetivert). This oil exhibits many hair and skin healing properties and is one of the best essential oils for dry hair. It nourishes, moisturizes, and hydrates your skin which is especially beneficial to dry and withered looking skin. It has a refreshing smell and has skin tissue regenerating properties that clear acne scars.
Overall Topical Application: 15-25 drops of Vetiver Essential Oil per tablespoon of any carrier oil. Apply to skin daily.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Question - But what about conventional treatments for scars?
You always want to look at all the options and conventional treatments are a serious consideration also. But did you realize that essential oils can complement and assist any conventional treatment? Please keep that in mind as we cover the alternatives of conventional treatments below.
Alternatives of Conventional Treatments
- Surgery
Surgery can improve scars by changing the size, depth, or color which can result in a mark less obvious. However, surgery should not be done on hypertrophic or keloid scars because of the risk of more severe scarring that results from the treatment. - Dermabrasion
Dermabrasion is an electrical machine that removes the top layer of skin to give a more even contour of the skin. It can improve the look some but cannot get rid of the scar entirely. - Laser Resurfacing
Laser resurfacing is high-energy light used to remove damaged skin. Skin may stay pink for several weeks or months. They can improve the appearance some but one of the issues is that scars such as hypertrophic scars or keloids, typically need laser treatments every two months. And don’t forget keloids can keep growing. - Injections of Collagen, Hyaluronic Acid, or Fat
Improvement is immediate but temporary. However, injections usually will need to be repeated on a continued basis. - Grafts
You could have grafts of normal skin to replace scarred skin. Of course they will be scars themselves but they can be smoother and less visible than depressed scars. Deep or pitted acne scars would be good candidates for this kind of operation. - Chemical Peels
In this case, a chemical solution removes the top layer of the skin. This can help some for shallow scars but not deeper ones. - Silicone Gels
Helps in reducing scar thickness - Cryosurgery
Freezes and removes the top layer for a slight improvement on appearance. - Microneedling
By needling the scar, one can break up scar tissue, increase circulation, oxygenate and improve cell nutrition. - Cortisone Injections
Helps to soften and minimize hypertrophic and keloid scars. - Ointments
Over-the-counter ointments can help some on minor scarring.
On all of the above, essential oils can also complement and work hand in hand with these methods too. Ask your doctor for more details.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Conclusion
When looking for the best place to buy essential oils you want to only use the best essential oils brands that give you oils that are absolutely pure and of high quality. The below are a few of the best essential oil companies that we know of.
The healing properties of essential oils can work wonders on your scars of any kind. If used properly it is possible to bypass unnecessary medication and surgeries. And if you still want surgery, the essential oils can also complement the process and enhance the healing. Either way, you should seriously consider using essential oils for the best benefits on your skin. And the best essential oils are the ones that are pure, therapeutic quality, and USDA certified organic. Don’t settle for anything less. Your skin is worth it.
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